So here they are in all their glory. They are beautiful and I am so glad Wendy was kind enough to send me a bit of yarn so I didn't have to get creative to finish the toe.
Yarn: Mountain Colors Bearfoot Sock Yarn, Redtail Hawk Colorway. Purchased from my LYS.
Needles: Clover Takumi Bamboo US1 2.25mm
Pattern: Loosely based on Ann Norling Adult Socks Pattern, but worked on 68 stitches and I threw in the 3x1 seed stitch ribbing.

The gauge was pretty tight, but Hub likes it that way. No sloppy socks for him. He's interesting to knit socks for... he has "typical" man feet, a huge heel (it's funny the things you learn about your spouse when you decide to knit for them)... and skinny legs. So ribbing is a must. You will see lots of ribbing for Hub. I purchased the yarn because Hub has been traveling a lot into Montana for work and that is where Mountain Colors is. I'm a little sentimental that way sometimes. You know... besides the fact that it's beautiful and manly.

While I was photographing his socks Hub noticed a little something going on in one of our bushes...

A little ladybug lovin'.
Now, this is a small joke in our house. My Mom often sends books down to the girls that were once my teenage brother and sisters. We got a set that is a little scientific. It has a book on ladybugs...

Imagine my surprise when I'm reading the "cute" ladybug book to my 3YO and turn to this page.

So... it's spring. We have spotted LOTS of yellow ladybug eggs, and now... we've seen them in action.
There have been many posts around blogland of people's gorgeous yards sprouting and budding up. We are trying to salvage ours from the previous owners who never even mowed or watered once. SO, in lieu of a pretty yard... I'm sharing a bit of the wild animal kingdom with you.
I've cast on Hub's next pair of socks, but I'll share them with you next time. When I was putting the socks into my Flicker folder I realized that I've been doing practically nothing besides knitting diaper related things. No wonder I'm burnt out on them! I still have a few to go but I took a little break. I also swatched today for a little something for Miss N. She needs a new crown... all princesses do you know.
The socks look wonderful -- I'm so pleased my a little bit of yarn could help you out!
Beautiful manly socks. I can barely manage to comment because I am cracking up so hard at the ladybugs.
Great socks! I know what you mean about man feet -- mine has long feet and really skinny ankles, not to mention a very limited taste in color (only shades of gray or black!)
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