Thursday, July 12, 2007

That's not Undulating!


With 100+ degree (F) record setting temp's I decided I'd rather look at "cool" colors than the red hot Undulating Ribs. So the second sock was set aside for this. Just plain jane knitting here folks. It's nice though. I've got a lot going on right now and it's a nice break to not think at all... just knit. Love the colors. Knit and Tonic Vesper Sock Yarn. Another birthday gift from Miss T. I think she might have me nailed... the two yarns she sent for my birthday managed to jump out of the overflowing yarn basket and onto the needles first. :)

(And yes, it's a day that calls for chocolate. Darn neighbors keeping my kids up half the night and then bright and early this morning... everyone is a wee bit cranky...)


Miss T said...

That yarn looks AWESOME! And I pointed at the chocolate and showed Ad. He nodded knowingly, he's getting it. ;)

Meghann said...

Gorgeous!!! I love the stripey-ness:)