Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fat Pants

So as I might have mentioned, I've lost quite a bit of weight in the past six months. All my weight from baby #2 and a few pounds now from #1. Just a few left to my goal!

I've been thinking about this for quite some time... how cool things are made from recycled material. And well, I had this pair of pants...

So here you have the "fat pants bag". I mostly just made it up. I followed some really basic instructions for the knitting bag in the Stitch N Bitch book. But pant legs can be quite limiting in their shape. Anyhow, this was fun. And it didn't turn out too shabby either.


Anonymous said...

I swear I didn't look past this post. My email is acting all funky but I wanted to send you this link I found. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice bag hun! Looks very similar to the gowler carrier I picked up for you... :) Is Moose Drool Beer not cool enough for knits that travel? JK! Luv U!
