Friday, December 01, 2006

Cool Artist!

Well, I've been busy... Miss N turned 3, IL's visited... and then the Turkey Day. I cooked a killer meal! My first, I was so proud! I know, excuses excuses... I've made a couple hats. And I'm down to the legs of the infamous pair of longies I had to froooog. Bah! I can't wait to be done with them!

My MIL wants some fingerless gloves for Christmas. We'll see if I get to that. I have been planning to make her some of these. They are the Fetching fingerless mittens from Knitty. The cables scare me though... we'll see. MUST FINISH THE LONGIES!

Anyhoo... I found a really cool website that I wanted to post!

Joyce Makes Art

Really cool collage art. I love collage art. I know it's a small... not so glorified niche of the art world, but I find it captivating. So much detail... just scraps of life put together into something beautiful.

And she has pic's up of her studio... I am SOOOOO jealous!

Ok, I'll go knit. If I must...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

golly jess--i'm very complimented that you like my art!

come over here and knit in my newly clean studio. i'm sure it won't last that way for a week so you had better hurry ;-)