You know what all that attached i-cord means right? Miss E's blanket is FINALLY done! Nearly 16 months in the making. Once I clean my bathtub and give it a dunk I'll have a real photoshoot! I can't wait!
BTW, the attached i-cord is THE way to go if you ask me. All that garter stitch can be heavy and super stretchy. The i-cord gives it some stability around the edges. It was easy to do, and, pretty quick too!
Congrats! I can't wait to see it in all it's glory:)
Oooh it looks cute! I love attached icord. Takes a while, but so worth it!
for us beginners could you explain about I-Cord's....please?
Yay! The edges look fantastic -- I can't wait to see the whole shebang!
showoff! ;D
yayayayayay! maybe it'll motivate me to finish mine. :D
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