More good news... block 10 is complete! Now I just need to figure out what type of edging to do. I think I want to do applied I-cord. It seems like the Mason-Dixon edging of choice right now. And it seems neat and tidy. I looked at the edging from the book and it just doesn't seem right for this blanket. I need to do a bit of net searching on the best way to do the I-cord. So get out your forks... this one is almost done!
I do have an FO for you... it's not the most gorgeous ever, but it's done. Behold... the first sock. Looks pretty good...

The problems began with the second...

See what I mean? But still... any handknit pair is far and above better than store bought. And since spring is coming so slowly to these parts this year, I'll wear them several times before they're put away for the summer.

Pattern: Basic Sock Recipie - 72st
Yarn: Regia Bamboo Color
Needles: 2.0mm/US size 0
Yarn: Regia Bamboo Color
Needles: 2.0mm/US size 0
On to more beautiful projects right!? I joined a KAL for the Hazel Knits Artisians Ravelry group. We're all knitting the Embossed Leaves sock in different colors from Hazel Knits. They are all totally gorgeous. I'm using my Chocolatier. It's turning out quite lovely. It's slow going though because with the wide stitch pattern I haven't been able to memorize it. I'm almost there, but need to peek from time to time. Especially since I get interrupted so much! Occupational hazard. I'm down through the heel now, but here's a peek at the beginning.

I'm off to make brownies with Miss N. Because no birthday is complete without chocolate!

I'm off to make brownies with Miss N. Because no birthday is complete without chocolate!
Ooh, I love the color of your Embossed Leaves! (Except that it's making me crave chocolate now -- or that could just be the PMS.) You will have the stitch pattern down in no time, trust me! You'll soon see that, even if you don't have it exactly memorized, you'll be able to intuit what comes next. It's a very clever pattern that way.
Hi, the Purl Bee website has a tutorial on applied i-cord that includes instructions on a provisional cast-on so that you can join it up seamlessly at the end.
Beautiful blanket!
I knit the EL socks a couple of years ago, and I never managed to memorize the pattern. They'll be beautiful in brown!
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